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Simplified bowling rules

The game of bowling consists of ten frames. Each player has two throws in each frame. Only in the tenth and last frame can each player throw three times. If a player knocks down all the pins in one throw, he does not throw a second time.

Strike = all the pins are knocked down with the first throw. The number of points earned is 10 plus the number of pins knocked down in the next two throws.
Double = two consequent strikes. Scoring a double makes the first strike worth 20 points plus the number of pins knocked down in the next throw.
Triple = three consequent strikes. Makes the first throw worth 30 points.
Spare = when you knock down all the pins that are left standing after your first throw. The number of points earned is 10 plus the number of pins knocked down on the next throw.

To earn the maximum of 300 points the player must achieve 12 strikes in a row.

These simplified bowling rules have been exempted from the basic provisions and rules of play of the WTBA/FIQ International Standards.

Have a great game and best of luck from our team
